Tuesday 6 November 2012

Bacon and egg tarts

These are little miracle workers. If eating one, (warm out the oven) doesn't zap your hangover, eat another one and it will! 

They are also very easy to make. I made these on Sunday as part of a brunch party and they were a firm favourite. You can use whatever you like as a base, a chilli jam, HP sauce, tomato marmalade, it's just nice to have a sweet and spicy base to heighten your eggs and bacon moment. 

1 pack of rolled puff pastry, cut into 6
6 (or 12 if feeling generous) rashers of streaky bacon
6 small eggs
6 tsp of sauce (see above)

Cut your pastry into 6 and place on a baking sheet with a non stick paper underneath. Score a border around each square to allow the edges to rise slightly.
Put in oven at 190 degrees for 6 minutes.
Remove and press down the inner square, spoon on your sauce (doesn't need to cover it)
And pop your bacon rashers inside the border coaxing the edges up to get crispy and hold the egg. 
Carefully crack in the egg, pop back in the oven for 10 minutes. Depending on how runny you like your eggs, add or subtract a couple of minutes. 


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