Sunday 12 August 2012

Spaghetti and Meatballs cake

Have you a greedy guy in your life? I have a lot of greedy men in my family and this kind of cake is perfect for someone who loves their food. If you want your cake to look like a real plate of pasta, just use half a sponge, but I wanted mine to look OTT so cut the edge off making the cake a dome shape. Have you noticed I bought this sponge? Yup, if you're the creative type but can't be faffed with the baking, this cake is for you. It's simple.
Start by making a royal icing with one egg white whisked with 350g of icing sugar and loosened with a little yellow food colouring or water until pipe-able. Fill a piping/sandwich bag with the icing and cut off the tip and start swirling the 'spaghetti' all over the sponge.
If you want meatballs, add a few Ferrero Rocher, press them down into the sponge and continue icing over them leaving a little of the chocolate visible.
Keep going until all your icing has finished, get messy, pipe some over the plate rim and then pour a stirred up strawberry jam over the top. If you want something even more realistic, try a cherry compote or similar.
Now finish off your pasta with some 'parmesan' I grated white chocolate over the top but ground almonds look great too , I suppose the choice depends on what you want to eat. 'Stick a fork in me...I'm done'.


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