Monday 25 June 2012

A little goes a long way.. Beetroot, Green bean, Roast tomato and feta salad

Home growing your vegetables. Sometimes you have so much of something that you don't know what to do with it, then there's that excitement of seeing your first tomato turn red or your first bean appear and your eagerness gets the better of you, you want it for So we pulled out 6 baby beetroot, like baby baby beetroot and 6 beans. We were laughing, was this crop cute or pitiful? It made the most delicious salad and we savoured every mouthful, knowing we would have to wait a week for a full plate.


  1. Hey you! Long time no talk :) I'm back in New Zealand now but hopefully that won't mean we fall out of touch! I think your baby baby beets are super cute. That is so the type of thing I'd pull from my garden, except mine wouldn't ever grow bigger. Danielle xx

  2. Hey Danielle! I asked after you and the girls said you had gone home :( What are you going to do for work now, keeping it cake based or was it advertising you were in previously? Best of luck! X

    1. Hey! I've started my own little cake company called Spongedrop. No website yet but you can find me on Facebook! ( I'll try to use some of my old advertising skills to help things along ;) You have a new blog layout - I like it! You can see your gorgeous piccies. xx


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