Tuesday 3 April 2012

Roasted Beetroot, sheeps' cheese & pesto on sourdough

Beetroot is in that marmite/coriander/gherkin type food group, isn't it? You'll find that lots of people don't like it. My mum still calls it 'Beep rupe' when I'm about, it's what I used to call it when I was a little girl. These foods that some people can't stand just so happen to be in my own personal group of 'makes life taste better'. I've managed to convert a handful of friends with roasted beetroot though, it tastes nothing like its boiled or pickled partner. 
There's no denying how beautiful it is either. My new favourite snack is toasted sourdough with soft cheese, beets tossed in lemon, fennel seeds and smoked salt, courgettes/asparagus and drizzled with a garlicky home made pesto. Heaven on toast. This particular orange and rosemary cheese was made the day I bought it from a small sheeps' cheese supplier, properly pimped up snack!
 Chopping board aftermath


  1. never had roasted beetroot- it looks absolutely delicious though. YUM!

  2. It's messy but you have to try it! Yay, just seen you've posted a recipe on your blog.. keep em coming..

  3. Ah...but you do make beets look gorgeous....

  4. You will be turned one day!!


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