Friday 3 February 2012

Marinated Feta

I don't want to poke my nose in to your personal business but.. do you marinate your feta? If you don't, you're missing out.
So, just stick whatever you like into a jar and pour over a good olive oil. I used lemon oil and olive but think about what you'll use it on. This would be perfect on toasted sourdough and if I had mint I would prob add that too. Or you can forget the lemon and use in omelettes or in pasta? How about kalamata olives and toasted fennel seeds, that's gonna be yummy. Endless possibilities.


  1. What ingredients did you put in yours??? It looks scrumptious! :)

  2. Red onion, spring onion, garlic, bay, rosemary, smoked salt, pepper, chilli, lemon zest, lemon oil and olive oil.. oh and feta of course!

  3. Just stumbled across your blog! You have inspired me to marinate some feta....because sadly I have always bought mine. I know, I know..shameful!

  4. I love your blog Anna! It's lovely with soft goats cheese too.


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