Saturday 19 November 2011

Castañas asadas/roasted chestnuts

Got my design hat on this week and helping my Dad design a new house in Spain, well we've been doing that for the last couple of years and now we're building, it's time to choose the staircase/the doors/the windows... it's the exciting bit! Last time I was out here I baked lemon drizzle loaves for our slightly unhappy neighbours, when you're knocking down a town house in a narrow street it's not going to be without disruption, cake goes a bit of a way to make it better, they seemed happier at least. 
So, got off the plane and went straight to the beach for seafood and some toe dipping in the sea.
Work shoes ;)
Then a trip to choose some railings and a balcony for the house. 
Where to start?!... this place gave me eye ache but we stayed for hours, I loved it.
Yes, that is me, shoved in the back of the van on the journey home. Cam and I fell in love with a table with little stalls that slot in on runners under the table top, we went halves.
I'm not sure what this was but it kind of looked like an oven, especially the dial but it can't be, it's tiny. Or could it? Then off to a venta for a quick lunch. So, you know Gazpacho, this is Porra, typical cold soup in Southern Spain, it's thicker and milder made with blitzed bread and topped with Serrano ham, tuna and grated boiled egg. It is heaven. Oh, not as heavenly as Paella.
So, this time of year in Spain you get roasted chestnuts, which are roasted on open fires on street corners or on these sort of makeshift chimneys. They are ridiculously delicious and warming, kept warm under a blanket, scooped into a paper cone and just the anticipation whilst you peel off the hot, blackened, smokey skin is so exciting. The locals go mad for these and start queuing before they're even ready. These boys were pretty chuffed I took photos so put my brother on a crate to hold the chestnut pan and proudly stood around him, eat your heart out Rick Stein, I can do the line up photos too!

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