Tuesday 6 September 2011

Squid ink spaghetti with prawns, squid and peas

Today was a scorcher. Having spent the last hour before my lunch break standing over a vat of caramel and coming out into the midday heat, I hurriedly headed for the pool, got naked, and dived in. It was the most incredible feeling EVER, and no, there was no one about! That gave me the energy to find my bikini and a shady spot to ponder various things. Mainly on my mind is the boyfriend, who, three weeks into my time out here in Spain, I am missing very much. I tend to annoy him by taking photos whilst cooking together, saying things like "don't mix that yet, I wanna take a picture!" and he thinks it's funny to stick his thumb up in front of the lens, I could make a collection of photographs of out of focus food with a big thumbs up in the foreground, grrrr. Anyway, I remembered this dish we cooked last time he was out here in Spain with me. It may look a bit odd, but it was delicious, it was a copy I suppose of something Mum and I had in Enoteca once, such simple but rich flavours that look uncomplicated on the plate.



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