Tuesday 5 July 2011

Afternoon tea

Milli's Catering packed up the car full of goodies last week for an afternoon tea in Wimbledon. What with the tennis and the warm sunshine, it couldn't have been more perfect! Here's the menu..

Quail egg and roasted cherry tomato tarts
Salmon blinis
Mini beef Yorkshire puddings
Broad bean, mint and feta crostini
Mini lemon cupcakes
Hazelnut and chocolate meringue topped brownies
Berry tarts with passion fruit creme patisserie
Mini Vanilla Panna Cotta and rhubarb compote
Scones, clotted cream and jam



1 comment:

  1. aw thank you for your comments Grace, so sweet. Can't believe you got on the wrong train, I should have checked where you were going! Hope to see you again soon (love my new roots, thanks for the recommendation!)x


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