Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Peach in my salad?

Sam and I made empanadas to help bridge that tummy rumble of a gap between lunch at 2pm and dinner at 10pm. It totally makes sense to me that the Spanish eat so much later, what with having a Siesta and the air being much cooler and more bearable later at night. The problem is, it does make me snack! I would normally make a sort of ragu type filling with just beef but Sam added some morcilla (Spanish blood sausage) and it was kind of revolutionary. I will make them again, jot down the recipe and post it here because I don't want anything else to accompany a cold beer ever again. (I exaggerate.)
 Meet Billy, our new pup. He's adorable but has little teeth like needles and loves a little nibble on your skirt/ankle/towel. The wafting scent of beef empanadas gets his tail wagging.
To counteract such fried delights there have been plenty of salads this week, I haven't snapped many but this one was too pretty not to. I roasted the plum tomatoes with garlic and thyme and griddled the aubergines dry. Meanwhile, the mound in the middle was quinoa, chickpeas, pinenuts, peppers, tomatoes, slow cooked onions, coriander, mint and WHITE DONUT PEACHES. They were looking wrinkly, so tossed them in and the little bursts of sweetness were a surprise delight!


  1. These look spectacular! I like how crispy they look - I normally bake mine but I'm now tempted to turn to the fryer...
    Enjoy Spain - and the cold beer!

  2. I'm glad you are enjoying Spain. All your dishes look so jammy!!!

  3. Anna- to be honest, the Spanish fry them in batter and drizzle them in molasses which is just my favourite!

    intxaurtsu- thank you. I go home next week but will be out again for Sept and I'm already excited about it!

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