Tuesday, 5 March 2013


It was my niece Jasmine's 8th birthday last week. Holy Moly, where does the time go? 
I went to the trouble of making Amanda's super yummy and wholesome chocolate cake (I used wholemeal flour) and then covered the whole thing in little nuggets of dextrose, sugar and malic acid. OOPS! I hate to think what a mission it was to get the kids to sleep that night. 
I wanted to make Jasmine an awesome cake but didn't have time to do anything 'novelty'.. so I took a moment to think what I loved to eat at her age... NeRdS! NERDS AND POPPING CANDY! 
From the base to the top we have..
Grape-Wild Cherry-Strawberry-Peach-Amped Apple-Double dipped lemonade-lightening lemon. If that wasn't already a party for your mouth I chucked a load of popping candy on the top last minute. Fizztastic. 
This cake is seriously moist and tastes just how chocolate cake should and the bonus is, you can cut all the tops off and dip in left over soured cream icing (from that blueberry cake)
 Layer with a firm buttercream and plaster round the sides to stick in all those nerds. I used a spoon and didn't worry too much about where they were going, you could just mix them all up and throw them on, that would be fun.
 Layer up baby.
 Love you Jazzle Fizzle, here's to many more years of silly cakes and Jessie J sing offs. xxx


  1. what a gorgeous photo! and the cake looks insane. that should be a standard Monday morning thing alongside strong, STRONG coffee. sugar and caffeine please!

    1. haha, I wouldn't say no to this cake any morning.. the porridge can lump it!

  2. Never mind me being way beyond my 8th birthday: I would love a cake like this!

    1. Yep, I think it was a selfish cake really, as was more nostalgic for my sister and I than the kids who have never had nerds before!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Lauren, it was a silly cake really but tasted pretty good in a crunchy, popping, chocolatey kinda way.

  4. Oh My God! This looks incredible. I imagine it could result in some very hyperactive children (or adults).

  5. I don't get sugar highs anymore :( Overkill I fear!

  6. This looks AMAZING!!! But that was a great sugar high! love the colours.

    FoodNerd x

    1. The kids were bouncing off the windows, which is a shame since we were in a restaurant and had a few disapproving glares. Shared the cake with the waiting staff though so kept them sweet!

  7. Replies
    1. And so is your chocolate cake, I think it will be my go-to recipe from now on, everyone loved it so thank you! Pleased as punch you like my cake ;)

  8. Omg I got high just LOOKING at this. when you said nerd cake in the title at first, I thought it will be some ultimate geek cake, like star wars themed or sth. haha. this is even better.

    1. That may have been cooler but wouldn't have tasted so explosive!

  9. Just stumbled across your blog - this cake looks amazing! Looking forward to trying this one out!! www.ThisCotswoldGirl.com

  10. I hope you do! Let me know how you get on.. now for a wee peek at your blog..

  11. WOW! What a cool idea, I don't know where you think these up. Love this :)


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