I was thinking today of that scene in Sexy Beast...
"People say, "Don't you miss it, Gal?" I say, "What, England? Nah.
Fucking place. It's a dump. Don't make me laugh. Grey, grimy, sooty.
What a shit hole. What a toilet. Every cunt with a long face shuffling
about, moaning, all worried. No thanks, not for me." They say, "What's
it like, then, Spain?" And I'll say, "It's hot. Hot. Oh, it's fucking
hot. Too hot? Not for me, I love it."
Well Gal, I need coping strategies. I need Iced coffee.
Everyone has been moaning about the weather back home, it sounds kind of grim. I feel slightly guilty that the weather is glorious in Spain. Thing is, when it's a scorcher and you've got hundreds of mouths to feed the sun is haaaarrrd work and for food prep it is not your friend. The best quick fix is Iced Coffee. I made 3 trays of ice and whilst I was filling them I had a thought. Maybe I could make a tray of milk cubes, a tray of cafe con leche, a tray of espresso...so I did and not only does it look cute, when they melt you get a second round of Joe.
love the new layout! and what a great idea :)